Welcome to the new Oddballcomics.in.
Here you can find all the comics and graphic novels that we have created. Head over to the Comics section to read my comics for free. There's a variety of them to suit different tastes - from the story of a boy who wants to travel to Lhasa, to non-fiction science comics about the Mongol bow. Try them out.
In the Books section you can find long-form comics. Shepherd's Hill tells the history of the fort of Golconda, it's eccentric kings and its fabulous diamond trade of times gone past. You can read the first chapter for free, but if you're interested in reading the rest of it, you can purchase the PDF version for Rs. 200. Mangalyaan and Kick, Start, Go are two books I made for Pratham Books. These are available for free.
At the bottom of the Home Page you will also find some of my illustrations and artworks.
Page from Mangalyaan - A Journey to Mars
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Happy reading!
Nikhil Gulati
Jan 1, 2022